BIO2CARE Project Reports the First Six-mester of 2018

The Pirin Tourism Forum has been working for more than eight months now on the Project: “Reinforcing protected areas capacity through an innovative methodology for sustainability” (acronym BIO2CARE), funded by the ETC Interreg V-A Programme Greece – Bulgaria 2014-2020. During the first six months of this year, the organization provided expert input for the implementation of Work Package 3 of the project: Integrated Management – Decision Support System, by preparing reports on the state of tourism in the project area from the BG side (Rila National Park) and preparation for the testing of methodologies developed by the Lead Partner for assessment of anthropogenic impacts on protected nature territories.

In its role of a responsible partner for Work Package 2 – Communication and Dissemination – PTF performed coordination functions for the preparation of the project’s Communication Plan and its first information newsletter, as well as the launching of the project Web site and social media campaign.

In the next six-mester, initiatives will be started for the development of green and accessible tourism and the elaboration and testing of a system for better management of protected areas in Bulgaria and Greece.