PTF started the implementation of project CB006.1.22.117 “Cross-Border Fun Center”

The Pirin Tourism Forum started the implementation of project CB006.1.22.117 “Cross-Border Fun Center” in partnership with Environmental Association Planetum – Strumica. The project has a total budget of 107337.45 EUR and is co-funded by EU through the Interreg-IPA CBC Bulgaria–the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Programme. Its goal is to stimulate tourism as a real long-term alternative for the cross-border region between Bulgaria and Macedonia. The project will build a network of 10 tourism ‘knots’ or mini-destinations in Blagoevgrad District, Bulgaria, and the South-East Planning Region, Macedonia, which will develop modern and attractive additional tourism services. The latter will be offered through a special Internet-platform; other marketing measures are also envisaged. The project has a duration of 15 months and will end in August 2018.